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A school-based
youth mentoring program.
What is a mentor?

"The beauty of the Mentor Me Petaluma mentoring program is that it enriches two lives simultaneously. Many adults whose lives and work are far distant from children have a wealth to give, but no way to give. The mentorship program provides a way." - Petaluma Schools Guidance Counselor


Anne reading
WHAT is a mentor?
A mentor is a trusted guide, a role model and a friend. A mentor listens. A mentor is a supporter and advocate, helping a child reach his/her full potential. What does it take to be a mentor with Mentor Me Petaluma? Be available to volunteer one hour a week during the school year, during the school day. Be available to make a two-year commitment to the program.
HOW does the program support mentors?
Mentors receive initial orientation and on-going training. Experienced mentors are available to consult. Mentor Center Coordinators take care to make the best mentor match possible and provide on-going supervision and support to the mentorships.
MEN*TOR (men'tor,ter)n. A wise and trusted friend and guide. Someone who, along with parents, provides young people with support, counsel, friendship, reinforcement and constructive example. A good listener. A caring adult. Someone who helps a young person to become the best he/she can be and encourages him/her to make healthy choices.
WHAT does a mentor do?
Spend time with a Petaluma child who needs an extra adult friend in his/her life. Cook, read, shoot hoops, do art or science projects, play games, do jigsaw puzzles. The school site Mentor Centers are fun and nurturing places! How and why are the children referred to the program? Children are referred by teachers, counselors or other school staff. Children are referred when they are struggling socially, emotionally and/or academically.

WHOM do I contact?

Whom do I contact to get started or to ask more questions?
Contact Program Director Val Richman: 778-4798 or email MentorMePetaluma

200 Douglas Street Petaluma CA 94952

Mentor Me Petaluma values your privacy and will never sell or give your personal information to any other organization.

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