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A school-based
youth mentoring program.


Thank you
for your commitment to the children and the future of Petaluma . If you have any questions at this point, please call me at 778-4798 or on my cell at 695-9268, or email me vrichman@mentorme
Val Richman,
Program Director.
Thank you


Val Richman
Program Director



I am delighted that you are considering becoming a mentor!
Our mission is to match every at-risk Petaluma child with a caring adult role model and friend; your decision will help us reach our goal. Mentoring is not therapy or tutoring. Mentors provide a listening ear, non-judgmental guidance; they act as good role models for their mentees, helping them to learn to set healthy boundaries and become happy, resilient people.
Application steps
Application steps are outlined on this  page. Mentor  application form, volunteer agreement form and references forms (Please copy the reference form and send to three people.)
Once we have had a chance to review the information on the application and references, we can begin the process of matching you first with a school and then with a child. Taking the time to make a good match is the most important component of mentorship partnerships that last.
Orientation and training
Orientation and training provided by MMP will familiarize new mentors with the program, and will provide information about good mentoring practices. Safety and support for mentors, students and families are of utmost importance. Ongoing training and mentor meetings occur throughout the school year.
Background check
It is required by law that all volunteer mentors have a background check, including fingerprinting, and, if the school district requires it, be tested for TB. Fingerprinting costs $50.00. We hope that you will be able to make this financial donation to our non-profit organization. If not, please feel free to ask me for information about full or partial reimbursement.


The magic of mentoring lies in the relationship and trust that flourish over time, therefore MMP requires a two-year commitment to the program. Mentors meet with their mentees once a week for an hour, on school campus, during the school day and during the school year.


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